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All CollectionsSignaturesTomorro signature
Sign attachments with the Tomorro e-signature
Sign attachments with the Tomorro e-signature

Learn how to sign attachments along with your project

Updated over 4 months ago

With Tomorro's e-signature, you can also sign the files attached to your project.
It's efficient and simple!

How do you select the attachments that need signing?

  • If an admin has already attached files in the template from which your project is created, or if you have added attachments in the preparation/negotiation of the project:

Click on + Add documents and select the attachments you want to sign

  • If you have not yet added attachments to your project :

You can click on + Add documents and Import a file

Reorder before signing

Once you have added all your attachments for signing, you can reorder them:

After you have added all the attachments and defined their order, click on Validate the preparation

Add signature zones

Add as many signature zones as you want!

To navigate between the documents, use the up / down arrows.

Customize signature

You will find all the information about the personalized signature in this article.

Sign your project and its attachments

The signing process remains the same.

💡As all the attachments are linked to the project, all the attached files must be signed for the signature to be validated.

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