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Sign an external document with Tomorro signature
Sign an external document with Tomorro signature

How to sign an external Word or PDF document with Tomorro's signature?

Updated over 3 months ago

Import document

  • At the top left of your interface, click on "+ New project" then select "Sign a document"

  • Then select the project type from the options available for your company.

Why choose a project type? This will enable you to apply certain presets to your document, such as automatic storage in a certain folder, automatic creation of certain reminders, or creation of a summary sheet adapted to your document type.

  • Import your document PDF or Word format.

  • Enter the name of your counterparty

  • Finally, click on "Sign this document"

Add Tomorro signature zones

Once the project has been generated, you'll find your PDF or Word document in Tomorro editor.

  • Click on "Add signature zones" in the center of the page

  • Add zones by clicking on "+" then "Add signatory".

  • Select the internal signatory and enter the external signatory's e-mail address.

You can add as many signature zones and signatories as you like

  • Then click on "Validate preparation"

  • Add a note if necessary, then click on "Send for signature".

The signatories can now sign the document.


Once the document has been signed by both parties, the signatures will appear where the signature zones have been placed. A signature certificate accompanies the signature as shown below:

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