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The legal value of Tomorro native signature

What is the legal value of our electronic signature?

Updated over 2 months ago

All of Tomorro's plans include Tomorro native signature for all of your contracts.

Type of signature

At Tomorro, we are offering a legally binding electronic signature.
It means that the electronic signature we are offering has real legal value and is entirely valid in court for instance. Please read the additional information below to better understand what kind of electronic signature we are offering.

Legal value of our electronic signature

Offering an electronic signature that is legally valid means we're respecting the 4 legal requirements listed below.

  1. The identity of the signatory is verifiable.

  2. Once the signature process has started, the document can't be edited anymore. Otherwise, the signature process must be ended and relaunched later.

  3. The document is considered signed only when all parties have signed.

  4. The document can't be edited after signature and is safely stored.

Tomorro simple signature

Three types of electronic signatures exist, their main difference is their certification level (simple, advanced, or qualified).

Today, most of our current clients are using the "simple signature" with an external electronic signature provider. That's why we have decided to prioritize our development of this kind of signature natively within Tomorro.

A simple electronic signature is adapted for the following lists of contracts: Non-Disclosure Agreements, Master Sales Agreements, Data Processing Agreements, Partnership Agreements, Employment contracts, Amendments...

When using our simple electronic signature, you will be able to download your signed PDF with a signature certification, which includes the date of each signature, as well as the name and even the IP address of the parties who have signed the document.

Note that in some cases, it can be useful to use an advanced or even a qualified electronic signature. The main difference compared with the simple signature is that this kind of signature requires a double authentication to allow each signatory to sign the document. Advanced or qualified electronic signatures are used for Real Estate agreements, for instance.

Tomorro's signature is usable on documents created from a template.

Are electronic signatures legally binding?

The Tomorro native signature is a simple electronic signature and is legally binding.

The electronic signature has the same legal value as a handwritten signature, and at two different levels.

Firstly, at the European level: it complies with the regulations in force within the European Union, and more specifically with Regulation No. 910/2014 - eIDAS (Electronic Identification And trust Services), on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market. This regulation defines and recognizes three types of electronic signatures: simple, advanced and qualified.

In French law, Articles 1366 and 1367 of the French Civil Code provide that the legal value of an electronic signature is the same as a handwritten signature.

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