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Tomorro electronic signature
Updated over 3 months ago

In today's digital world, electronic signatures are fast becoming the norm for contracts, agreements, and various documents.

What is an Electronic Signature?

An electronic signature, essentially a digital version of a traditional signature, allows individuals to consent to documents electronically. It links the signer to the content, confirming their approval or consent. This includes verification through IP addresses, email authentication, and more, ensuring the signer's identity is accurately represented and protected.

The Different Types of Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures come in three main types, each suited for different levels of document sensitivity and legal requirements:

  • Simple Electronic Signature (SES): Ideal for a broad range of documents, SES requires minimal verification and is suitable for less sensitive agreements.

  • Advanced Electronic Signature (AES): For documents with higher legal and financial implications, AES offers enhanced security by closely linking the signature to the signer.

  • Qualified Electronic Signature (QES): The most secure type, QES is necessary for highly official or regulated documents, such as public contracts, medical records, and regulated business activities.

Despite the varying levels of security, it's important to note that for SES, both eIDAS and ETSI do not define specific legal or technical requirements, emphasizing its flexibility and broad applicability.

Tomorro’s Signature

Our platform offers a simple electronic signature solution designed for ease of use without compromising security. Users can sign contracts post-negotiation within the application or by directly uploading a document for signature. Here's how we ensure security and authenticity:

  • Authentication: We link the signer to the document through their email address and IP, ensuring signer authenticity.

  • Integrity: By applying a SHA-256 hash to the document, we guarantee that any alterations post-signature are detectable.

  • Time Stamping: Each signature includes a timestamp, verifying the document's integrity as of a specific date and time..

  • Secure Storage: Signed documents are encrypted and stored securely for future reference.

  • Action Logging: All signing activities are internally logged.

  • Signature Attestation: Upon signing, we issue a "signature certificate" detailing information about the document and signatories.

Advantages of using Tomorro for signing your documents

  • Cost-Effective: Integrated within the app, eliminating additional fees and expenses.

  • Time-Saving: Sign quickly and conveniently from a centralized location.

  • Eco-Friendly: Reduce paper usage and your carbon footprint.

For documents with higher legal or financial implications, we facilitate integration with DocuSign offering our users the flexibility to select the appropriate signature type for their needs.

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