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Link a smart field to my counterparty

How to find in one click the information of my counterparty?

Updated over 3 months ago

You can now find all the smart fields related to your counterparty in one place, update them easily and have them automatically pre-filled for the next project.

To do this, you need to link a smart field to the counterparty object.

Create a smart field linked to the counterparty

To create a custom field, go to "Dynamic components" (in the left menu)

  • Then click on "Create component" in the top right corner:

  • Select "New smart field"

  • Then you can fill in the different sections:

    • Name the field - the name will be visible in the summary sheet and in the document if you insert this field in a template.

    • Add a help text (optional) - this help text will be displayed at contract creation or in the form to fill out the contract

    • In the "Associated object" section, select "Counterparty smart field", the field will be visible on the counterparties profiles and the recorded values.

    • Choose the type of field - you can choose among the 5 types of fields that exist: text, number, date, select, and multi-select with options.

To know the different types of fields and their use, it is here: Smart field types.

  • Once you have filled in all the information, simply click on the "Save this smart field" button at the bottom right.

From a project or template, you also have the ability to create a smart field and link it to the counterparty.

Edit the object associated with a smart field

You can change the object associated with a smart field at any time from the "Dynamic components" or from a project or a template :

  • Click on "Associated object" and change the object by selecting the desired option.

  • Click on "Save" to validate the modification.

Final result

In your project, you will find the different smart fields related to the counterparty in the summary sheet as below:

You will also be able to find the different smart fields related to the counterparty in the counterparty's profile.

To go to the counterparty sheet, go to the summary sheet, hover your mouse over the counterparty name and click on the "external link" icon.

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