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Invite my teams to join Tomorro

How to invite your collaborators to join Tomorro.

Updated over a week ago

Organizations can have an unlimited number of members depending on their plan. For more details, see our pricing tab.

As an Admin, you can easily invite new members to join your team through your company settings.

Invite a new member

  • Click on your company name at the top of the left menu

  • Click on Members

  • Click on Add New members

  • Fill in the email address of the person you wish to invite

  • Define his/her role (Administrator, Manager, or Contributor).

You can also add members to groups.

More details on groups in this article: Create a group of users.

  • Click on "Send invitation" and the invited person will receive an email inviting them to create their account and to set a password.

Resend an Invitation

People to whom you have already sent an invitation but have not yet activated their account are marked with a "Pending" tag.

  • Select the person you have already invited and click on them.

  • Click on "Resend Invitation."

Invite multiple members

If you want to save time and invite several members at once :

  • Insert several email addresses separated by semicolons.

  • Choose the role of these members, as well as the groups you want to add them to.

If you need additional Admin or Manager licences to the ones included in your plan, please reach out to your dedicated account manager.

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