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Negotiate contracts with clauses

Find out how clauses evolve in projects in negotiation

Updated over 8 months ago

Now, let's see how you can use clauses practically in your negotiations.

Do you have an open project with clauses in it?

🧑‍⚖️ When a collaborator edits a clause

When you send suggestions to your counterparty:

  • If a suggestion is made on a clause in a project under negotiation, and the counterparty accepts it, the clause is marked as Modified.

  • If a suggestion is made on a clause in a project under negotiation, and the counterparty rejects the suggestion, the clause remains unchanged.

🧑‍💼 When a counterparty edits a clause

When you send your document for review to your counterparty who has suggestion rights, the counterparty will be able to make edit requests directly on the document.

  • If you (or your collaborators) accept suggestions on a clause, it will be marked as Modified.

  • If you (or your collaborators) reject suggestions on a clause, it remains unchanged.

🔍 Where can I find all the changes made?

  • Click on the Annotations logo

Click on Private version…
  • Click on Resolved

Click on Private version…

You can also filter your Annotations' view and only see suggestions made by your counterparty or public comments for example.

  • Click on All annotations

Click on All annotations

⚠️ Be careful, when you accept or reject a suggestion you can't cancel and go back. You still have the history of all suggestions to redo a modification.

👏 You know everything about suggestions made in clauses!

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