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Synchronize data with Hubspot

Learn how to automatically update a Hubspot deal as soon as a contract is signed on Tomorro.

Updated over 3 months ago

Synchroniser les données entre vos outils

The Webhook feature in Tomorro is included in PRO plans, but available as an add-on in other plans. Contact us for more information.

With our Zapier integration, you can update your Hubspot data with values from Tomorro.

Discover how to do it with Zapier

ℹ️ Works only with a Zapier Premium account.

Step 1 - Create a new Zap with Webhook on Zapier

  • Log in to Zapier > Click "Create a Zap".

  • Select the Webhook by Zapier trigger and the Catch Hook event.

  • Copy and paste the URL provided by Zapier, which is the URL where Tomorro will notify new incoming events.

Step 2 - Set up the webhook on Tomorro

  • Log in to your Tomorro account > My Account > Intégrations Page.

  • Click on the Webhooks option, then click "Add a webhook."

  • Name the webhook (e.g., "Hubspot Update").

  • Paste the URL you copied from Zapier.

  • Select the type of event you want to be notified about.
    In this case, we want to update Hubspot deals when a contract is signed, so we check the option "when a contract is fully signed."

Step 3 - Create a custom "Hubspot ID" field on Tomorro

To update a Hubspot deal as soon as a contract is signed on Tomorro, you'll need to match a Hubspot deal with a project on Tomorro.

Pour cela :

  • Create a custom "Hubspot ID" field (text type) on Tomorro here.

  • Add this field to your Sales contract templates as a mandatory field to fill in.

To ensure this field is always filled, we recommend automatically generating projects on Tomorro from your Hubspot deals. Feel free to check out this article.

Step 4 - Test the webhook on Tomorro

To test that the webhook is working correctly and that the information is passed to Zapier, we'll first create a dummy project.

On Tomorro:

  • Create a dummy project from the Sales contract template, which contains the required custom field you just added.

  • Fill in the HubSpot ID field with the ID of the HubSpot deal you want to update.

  • Send the project for signature, setting yourself as the signer, then sign it.

On Zapier:

  • Click the "Test trigger" button.

  • Check that the signature event information has been successfully sent.

You should see all the project data and custom fields, including the HubSpot ID field, that you just signed.

Step 5 - Update HubSpot information

Now it's time to define which data you want to automatically update in your HubSpot deals.

On Zapier:

  • Choose the Hubspot app, then the "Update Deal" action.

  • Fill in the Object ID, which comes from the Tomorro custom "HubSpot ID" field and specifies the exact deal to update.

  • Then enter all the HubSpot deal values you want to update, such as the deal status or other values linked to the contract, passed via the webhook.

And that's it! All that's left is to publish your Zap and automate the updating of your HubSpot deals!

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